What are the health benefits of spirulina?
Spirulina is also a type of seaweed, just like other seaweeds found in the sea. It belongs to the blue green algae’ species. As it is mainly found in the ocean, it is cultivated by those who live in
coastal areas.
This algae basically belongs to “cyanobacteria” class. It seems to be created from the combination of green and blue, hence it is named as blue-green algae. Spirulina, which looks green at first glance, is a very beneficial marine plant from the health point of view.
Spirulina can be consumed after processing as soon as it is harvested from the sea. Its smell is slightly fishy and sometimes it feels like eating fish! Its taste is slightly salty. Spirulina is a purely vegetarian plant based food.
How Does superfood spirulina is produced ?
Although it is originally taken from the sea, recently, spirulina has also started to be produced commercially in various countries. It is started to be produced artificially and modernly by making a suitable pond.
Spirulina can also be cultivated in Nepal. Its production can be done well in places with relatively warm climate. It is an algae which can be planted. After two or three weeks of plantation, the product can be harvested and stored as needed or can be processed to deliver different products.
How to use it?
Spirulina is traditionally eaten mixing with vegetables, soups, salads and other various food and drinks. Since its properties, i.e. health benefits, are very good, the use of spirulina is increasing recently.
Many health benefits of spirulina have been observed from various studies. As it has been commercially produced and made available in the market in the form of powder, capsule and pills.
Spirulina appears to be very beneficial for children and the elderly who are generally malnourished. However, it is equally beneficial for people of all age groups. According to experiments and studies conducted in India, Africa and other countries, spirulina has been found to be very beneficial for the malnourished people. It is also used as “botanical mediine” in different parts of the world.
Adults can generally consume three to five grams of spirulina daily. Its balanced intake prevents malnutrition. It is especially beneficial to consume it in the morning and evening on an empty stomach. However, it is not necessary to eat spirulina at this time only. It can be eaten anytime and anywhere while traveling or doing any work.
Benefits of Spirulina
Spirulina contains protein, vitamin B1, B2 and B3, elements like copper and iron. Different types of amino acids are also obtained from the protein contained in spirulina. Micro elements like GLA (Gamma Linolenic Acid) and ‘beta-carotene’ found in spirulina helps to keep people physically and mentally healthy. It also helps to prevent different types of diseases.
Spirulina is rich in protein content. Therefore, this is such a miraculous marine plant, the correct and balanced use of which helps to reduce obesity on one hand, and on the other hand, it also helps to make people sound and strong who are retarded due to malnutrition.
Phycocyanin found in spirulina acts as an antioxidant. Generally, antioxidants are free radical scavengers. They help to eliminate various toxic elements from the body.
Its regular and balanced consumption gives enough energy for studying and performing different creative activities. As it helps to maintain and promote mental health, it helps in the enhancement of intellectual activity. It also helps to improve the memory power. Studies indicate that spirulina can lower triglycerides and improve cholesterol levels, which will in turn support the heart health.
Spirulina is a type of cyanobacteria, often referred to as blue-green algae, which is highly nutritious. Different studies and researches show that it may improve cholesterol and triglyceride levels, suppress oxidation, reduce blood pressure and lower fasting blood sugar levels.
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