• 15 Benefits of detox diet

    15 Benefits of detox diet

    We eat different foods in our daily lives.The body absorbs the necessary amount of nutritionfrom the food eaten. Unnecessary food is excreted out by the body.Also, the food we eat affects our body. Food that affects the body in a negative way and isunnecessary to the body goes out of the body in the form

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  • Is Amla Beneficial Winter Fruit ?

    Is Amla Beneficial Winter Fruit ?

    Amla is a sweet/sour fruit that is abundant in the plains and mountains of Nepal. This fruit is also found in the Himalayas. Its scientific name is Phyllanthus emblica. It is known in English as ‘Embelic Myrobalan’ or ‘Indian Gooseberry’. On general observation, the leaves, flowers and fruits look like they are made by a

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  • What is the purpose of diet therapy ?

    What is the purpose of diet therapy ?

    Jonathan Swift- The best doctors in the world are: “Doctor Diet, Doctor Quiet and DoctorMerryman” Food is an integral part of patient care and is a major contributor in his/her recovery. Therefore, careful selection of foods, their preparation and ensuring that these are consumed by the patient is an important part of the therapy. The

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