Importance of physiotherapy in nepal
Introduction to Physiotherapy
Physiotherapy has become a popular treatment method in recent times. It is believed
that doctors like Hippocrates and Galen started the practice of physiotherapy method to
treat people around 460 BC. It was found that, the modern physiotherapy system was
developed from Britain at the end of the eighteenth century.
Modern physiotherapy methods were developed during the Second World War. When a
large number of soldiers and civilians were injured during the World War, there was a
need for an accessible, cheap, quick and effective treatment method to bring them back
to normal health. Since the number of injured people was very high at that time, there
was an extreme shortage of medicine even in the big, influential and developed
countries of the world.
Due to this crisis, a new method was developed to heal the injured and the sick, which
is now popularly known as physiotherapy. Physiotherapy is basically a simple, easy,
accessible and cheap treatment method without drugs. In this treatment method based
on exercise, the disease is treated by massage, heat, light, electrical or other physical
tools and similar means. Medicines are not used in this type of treatment method.
Physiotherapy method is also called ‘physical medicine’. This method can be used
according to the need from newborns to the elderly. Physiotherapy is done by using
many physical methods and tools to eliminate various diseases and physical and mental
disorders. Disability is assessed, diagnosed and treated in a systematic manner.

Types and methods of physiotherapy in nepal
There are different types of physiotherapy. Mainly it is of two types – Active
Physiotherapy and Passive Physiotherapy.
Active physiotherapy helps to restore the body to a normal state while passive
physiotherapy is oriented and directed towards the reduction of symptoms. Passive
physiotherapy is beneficial in treating disability or any physical problem. Physiotherapy
is not only beneficial for physical but also for solving mental health problems and
keeping them in the right condition.
Physiotherapy should be done by determining the time period, i.e. by making a
schedule of different times based on the needs and possibilities. Depending on the
problem, disease and other conditions, some physiotherapy can be done only for a
short duration of time, while some may have to be done for a long time. Physiotherapy
for neuro-muscular-skeletal and injuries is usually short-term.
Short-term (short-term) physiotherapy can be done to solve common health problems.
Such therapy is beneficial for solving many types of health problems, including wounds
and sores.
Long-term (long-term) physiotherapy may be necessary to solve health problems of a
long-term nature. Long-term physiotherapy is also necessary for solving bone problems.
Physical disabilities such as paraplegia and quadriplegia caused by spinal trauma also
require long-term therapy.
Physiotherapy not only works to cure diseases, this method is also useful for reducing
pain and making different muscles of the body flexible. It helps to strengthen both body
and mind. Physiotherapy in a balanced manner can help prevent various diseases and
keep the body strong and healthy.

Categories of physiotherapy in nepal
There are different categories of physiotherapy. Orthopedic, neurology,
cardiopulmonary, pediatric, geriatric, sports, rehabilitation etc. are its categories.
Physiotherapist: Responsibilities and Roles
Assessing and managing a wide range
of medical conditions, from paralysis to stroke.
Healing physical pain and injuries.
Increasing the physical and mental mobility of people with or without health
problems involved in physiotherapy.
Making muscles and joints flexible.
Freeing for various activities essential for daily life.
Improving body posture.
Methods of Physiotherapy in nepal
There are different methods of physiotherapy. Electrotherapy, shortwave diathermy,
microwave diathermy, ultrasound, interactive, transcutaneous electrical nerve
stimulation, faradic and galvanic muscle stimulation, cervical – lumbar traction, wax
bath, infrared ray, laser, etc. are methods based on physiotherapy techniques.
Similarly, the current Russian treatment method is basically based on the physiotherapy
method. There are also various sub-disciplines under this. These include active and
passive exercises, resistance exercises, joint mobilization techniques, suspension
therapy, hydrotherapy etc.
Similarly, there are various relaxation techniques under physiotherapy. Methods such
as stretching, muscle energy techniques, movement and balance training, posture
correction, breathing exercises, postural drainage etc. belong to these techniques.
Manual therapy
Manual therapy is also a method under physiotherapy. This method is generally used to
manipulate soft tissues scientifically. This therapy is done using the soft part of the
hand. It increases blood circulation and relieves pain.
Manual therapy has a therapeutic effect. In this method, especially without changing the
amount of pressure, the fluid inside the body is exchanged. Massage has the benefits of
reducing swelling , reducing toxins in the body, and increasing body flexibility.
Physiotherapy methods and benefits are many. Adequate health benefits can be
achieved by doing physiotherapy under the supervision and consultation of a naturopath
or physiotherapist or a concerned physician.
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